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DeimoS Inc. – G39 Griffin v10.1.25

This aircraft overrides default MSFS 2020 files which could affect other aircraft (B787 instruments). We recommend to only install/link it if you fly with it, then uninstall/unlink it again.
– Added Weapons
– Canopy Fix for MSFS 2024
The G39 Griffin is a light single-engine multirole fighter aircraft.
The Griffin has a delta wing and canard configuration with relaxed stability design and fly-by-wire flight controls.
The G39 is powered bv a new 80-93 kN thrust engine and is capable of flying over Mach 1.4 without reheat.


β€’ Custom High Quality 3D Model
β€’ Custom 8K and 4K PBR Textures
β€’ Custom High-Quality Sounds
β€’ Fully animated pilot
β€’ Fully animated engine/afterburners
β€’ Fully animated control surfaces
β€’ Animated and working refueling Probe
β€’ Canopy opens & closes and has a canopy jettison feature
β€’ Covers when in cold/dark mode
β€’ Acrobatic fumes of various colors
β€’ Vapor trails, g-vapors, and sonic cone
β€’ Customizable Pilot name
β€’ Multiplayer Smokes and Wingtip Vortex
β€’ Interior cabin fully animated that has been designed above all for a VR use that makes the flight experience amazing
β€’ The flight model has been carefully studied and tested in order to recreate the incredible maneuvering capabilities of the JAS39 with FBW and automatic Flaps and Slats
β€’ The aircraft is supplied with 17 magnificent liveries and others will be provided with next updates

Rapidgator Premium


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