– No official changelog provided
– Model changes
I am so incredibly proud of our team and the hard work and long hours. We really hope you have fun flying our plane and we look forward to bringing you many more in the future.
• Full native flight model, 3D assets, sounds, textures, everything.
• Hmm yea that’s pretty standard these days isn’t it?
• Designed for Casual and “Serious” simmers alike. Jump in and #FlyTheDamn plane or take the time to #ReadTheDamnManual and use the Gear and Flaps LIKE A BOSS!
• 5 * Historic 4K Liveries (well I guess that’s the default size now isn’t it so why do we say it like, oh hey, here’s something you didn’t expect!)
• 1 * Special Tribute livery #BecauseYoureWorthIt
• 7 Hour Bushtrip of the Historic NorthWest Staging RouteIt’s finally here!
• FINALLY we can release the bushtrip with our latest update to the P-40B Tomahawk: The Northwest Staging Route.
• Fly a historic route, lend lease aircraft traveled on their way to Russia.
• Eternal gratitude from a team that has worked hard and knows there’s more to do but reckon you might enjoy what we’ve done so far.