– Toolbar in-sim Checklist is blank bug fixed
– Internal glass opacity accidentally reverted in a last-minute file edit bug fixed
– We have not yet attained the necessary fidelity with the new native FM implementation to proceed with a complete migration at once. The new flight model necessitates several adjustments to the engines, fuel system, electrical system, and aircraft handling characteristics. Consequently, we have decided to implement these changes progressively. This update will not include modifications to the flight characteristics of the aircraft, but will focus solely on the underlying systems. Progress towards full migration of FM will continue provided we get sufficient clarification from Asobo and achieve the necessary level of fidelity and realism to surpass the current implementation of the FM:
– ECLs now utilize BEEP TRIM to limit RPM of engines in the GRD Position as per the real aircraft documentation.
– TRQ Gauge now behaves closer to the expected torque readings.
– Engine RPM and TRQ Readouts on the cockpit instruments have been revised and adjusted for better accuracy.
– Various changes to the fuel Crossfeed system, now aircraft can be started with a single pump on.
– starting C&D, HYD2 light does not extinguish Fixed
– Complete implementation of EXPERIMENTAL Helicopter AFCS (Autopilot System):
– Three-degree of Freedom System controlling the vertical, yaw and roll axes.
– HDG Select Mode is enabled, it will follow and maintain the heading selected on the HSI. Depending on speed, it will use either yaw only or a combination of yaw and roll.
– BARO Alt Hold will maintain a constant barometric altitude by continuously adjusting the collective.
– RAD Alt Hold will maintain a constant radio altitude by continuously adjusting the collective and will only engage if the aircraft is below 1500 feet from the ground.
– PLEASE familiarize yourself with the documentation and tutorial videos before operating the Autopilot.
– Sound Improvements:
– Sound triggers adjusted for engine changes as required.
– New rotorwash effect (wind rushing sounds as the aircraft is flying near or sitting on the ground)
– Adjusted startup/shutdown blends and add enhancements to the positioning
– Replacement or enhancements to overall close proximity sounds
– Blade/transmission whine sounds front/rear zoning created
– Support to blade slap and transmission whine volume adjustments through EFB
– Nav Systems:
– CH47D Now fully supports complex GPS Systems (GTN750). Toggable through EFB.
– Other Various Fixes:
– Final corrections and edits for checklists
– Right Landing Light (Pilot Side Search Light) seems to be very dim in comparison to the Copilot side bug Fixed
– Optional Dynamic cockpit vibrations that increase with aircraft speed, present at speeds above 130kts.
– Opacity of glass adjusted for better visibility in dark conditions.
– Aircraft CFG Edits to ATC Callsigns
– Blade droop adjustments in C&D
Beautifully Modeled Helicopter: high-quality modeling and texturing throughout – exteriors and interiors:
β’ Highly detailed Cockpit Model, with detailed wear and tear throughout
β’ Fully modeled cargo bay
β’ 4K Textures throughout, with sharp details and realistic damage/dirt maps
Realistic Animations: including working doors and cargo ramp, accurately rotating Tandem Rotors, Blade Droop, etc.
Liveries: 13 Liveries, including US Army, RAF, Luftwaffe, Italian Esercito, Spain Ejercito, RCAF, Australian Army, etc. A layered paint kit is available upon request
Effects: Downwash effect (water, dirt); engine heat blur, volumetric lighting
Flight Model: Tailored flight and engine model, validated through testing and feedback from CH47 pilots and technicians:
β’ Specialized flight model that accurately simulates the stability, maneuverability, and capacities of a Tandem Rotor Configuration
β’ The flight model makes use of the native helicopter Flight Model, enhanced with customized parameters to accurately simulate the expected behavior
β’ NOTE: FM Will be migrated to fully native Tandem Support after the release of SU15
Sounds: Comprehensive sound pack, developed from sounds recorded on real aircraft:
β’ Comprehensive engine and rotor sounds, with distinct sounds for the iconic Blade Slap based on collective, pitch/roll angle, and High G slap
β’ Accurate depiction of APU sounds, FWD Transmission Whine, and Ramp hydraulic sounds
Cargo Loading Capabilities:
β’ 6 External Cargo Loads (Sling loads in both Tandem and Single-sling configurations), including Humvees, UAV Containers, Rhibs, and even Helicopter Fuselages. External loads spawn in the world and are picked up by the aircraft hovering above them
β’ 5 Internal Cargo Loads to choose from, including Medvacs, Troops, Humvees and Pallets
β’ Electronic Flight Bag: A Tablet EFB is included to interact with the aircraft systems – From Fueling to External Loads
Navigation Systems: Realistic instrumentation based on documentation from the CH7D:
β’ Functional TACAN, ADF, and VOR Navigation Systems
β’ Optional Aera-Style GPS, with more GPS options coming up soon (PMS GTN750, TDS GTNXi)
Mission System: Set of predefined flights with tasks to execute:
β’ Missions are designed so the pilot follows a set of Mission Dispatch Instructions but must fully configure, execute, and perform the mission by themselves
β’ These include fully functional Firefighting missions, Cargo Hoist missions, Rescue and Humanitarian missions, and Military Exercise missions
β’ Some missions may require Miltech Simulations Supercarrier Pro or Miltech Simulations UK Carrier Strike Group, sold separately
Complementary Included Sceneries and Scenes: The CH47D includes a set of sceneries and scenes to enhance the piloting experience:
β’ RAF Odiham EGVO (UK), home of the No. 7, 18 and 27 squadrons
β’ Bryant Airfield PAFR (Alaska), home of the Army Alaska Task Force CH47s
β’ Chabelley Airfield HDCH (Djibouti), a growing US Military Base, is key for the stability of the Horn of Africa region
β’ Camp Resilience US01 (Jordan), is a fictional military outpost serving as base for Army CH47s
β’ Al Sahra Base US02 (Kuwait), is a fictional military outpost serving as base for Army CH47s
β’ Multiple small training facilities, exercise scenes, and rescue scenes