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scelt – Gees 2.0 v1.0.1

Gees: Landing Analysis Addon for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

How was my last landing?

MSFS 2020 is awesome, but it still cannot kick you in the butt and push you to the side upon landing to describe how your landing was. Gees tries to fill in that gap, providing all the details about your landing skills.

Landing Analysis:

β€’ Landing Rate: Did you get a “fifty, twenty, ten… five… come on …” or a “one hundred, fiftytwentytenthump… uh… can you check in the back, if the wings are still attached to the plane?”
β€’ G-Force: Are the passengers still unsure if you’ve landed, or looking around nervously, wondering “is this how it ends”?
β€’ Landing Speed: Similar to landing rate, but in a forward direction.
β€’ Wind Speed and Direction: Did you just land at an untowered airport with a 15kt tailwind?
β€’ Sideslip and Bank: How are your crosswind landings? Did you manage to keep that poor Cessna straight?
β€’ Bounces: How many times did you actually land?
β€’ Landing Location: Did you hit the sweet spot, or end up in the nearby parking lot?

Instant Replay:

β€’ Finally, once you’ve nailed a greaser, right in the middle of the touchdown zone, you forgot to switch on the instant replay recording to see it.
β€’ If you enable it, Gees starts and stops the recording for each landing, so you can marvel at your capabilities as a sim pilot.


β€’ This is an in-game MSFS addon. It does not require the 20th exe file you start before MSFS to access the simple panel.
β€’ Installation is done by copying the “scelt-ingamepanel-gees” folder into the Community folder.
β€’ All the dialogs, settings, and displays are in-game and can be started, stopped, enabled, or disabled from the sim itself.


β€’ The app needs to run to record the landing. There’s no close button, so you won’t close it by accident. Minimize it, and it will move away from view. Starting and stopping is done by clicking the icon in the top menu bar.
β€’ You can control how “intrusive” the app will be. It can stay visible all the time, or hide and wait for you to open it.
β€’ Landing location is tricky to obtain from the game, as the sim needs to know where you intended to land. As of now, this can only be done using the in-game ATC. Alternatively, you can look back at the instant replay to see the landing location.
β€’ MSFS’ replay has its own quirks. There are quite a few of them, and it is what it is. If you’ve used the in-game one (still noted as experimental), you’ll understand. Polishing all these quirks is a big task, and it would shift the focus of this app from landings to replays, so we have to live with them for now.
β€’ History is limited to 100 landings. Storing a lot of data within the sim is a concern. One of the future updates might address exporting this data if there’s a demand for it.

Known Issues:

β€’ Users who have set a very high “Minimum Text Size” in their accessibility options may experience a visually distorted interface. However, in vast majority of cases, if the other menus appear typical, the app’s appearance will also be normal.

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