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CJ Simulations – Dassault Rafale v1.1.8

– Hotfix for SNN model:
– A problem preventing the APU from being activated in Cold & Dark mode, which is necessary to start the aircraft’s engines, has been fixed.

– Additionally, an issue with the 3D vision display on the central screen has been fixed too.

– General:
– After identifying that the vertical speed during altitude changes using ALT SEL at low airspeeds was too low, the formula has been adjusted to increase it: ALT SEL calculates vertical speed based on an interpolation between the minimum flight speed and the maximum allowed speed to prevent stalling, ranging from a minimum of 500 fpm (near the stall region) to 12,000 fpm (around 800 IAS). At IAS values between 250 and 350, the vertical speed should now range between 3,500 and 4,500 fpm. This vertical speed gradually zeroes out as the current altitude approaches the target altitude.

– The HUD projection limits have been increased after detecting that the FPV would disappear at the lower boundary during high angles of attack (necessary during approach and landing phases).

– An automatic scroll function has been added to the FPL page to follow the current waypoint without requiring manual scrolling.

– Cosmetic weapons visualization has been enabled for all variants without requiring additional patches. (Note: From now on, any PC weapon activation mods must be removed from the community directory, as they are no longer necessary and could cause conflicts in both MSFS 2020 and MSFS 2024.)

The R-FAL is a twin-jet fighter aircraft able to operate from both an aircraft carrier and a shore base. The fully versatile R-FAL is able to carry out all combat aviation missions: air superiority and air defense, close air support, in-depth strikes, reconnaissance, anti-ship strikes and nuclear deterrence. The R-FAL entered service with the French Navy in 2004 and with the French Air Force in 2006. R-FAL is one of the most seasoned fighters in the world. It has been combat proven since 2007. The export success of the R-FAL has been vindicated. R-FAL has now more export orders than French orders.

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